TheFairbanks Baha’i community is seeking submissions for a “Night of Arts: Celebrating the Heroic”. This event honors the Bicentenary of the Birth of the Bab, who with His followers, stood up against a corrupt government and a morally depraved country. Young or old, performers - composers - visual artists, we want your work, evoking the heroic in today’s world.
Event date: October 26, 2019 at Raven Landing, Fairbanks, Alaska.
Submission deadline: October 19th
Visual Art: Contact Nikki Kinne (907)388-3235,, PO Box 80907, Fairbanks, AK 99708. You don’t have to be present for your work to be shown.
Performance Art: Contact Heather Walker (907)378-4545,, PO Box 82365, Fairbanks, AK 99708
The event “Night of Arts: Celebrating the Heroic” is part of activities happening worldwide. Links are available online to research about The Bab and His followers. There are also monthly informal talks and activities exploring the life of The Bab, Baha’i history, and other elements of heroism. Contact either Heather or Nikki if you wish more information on these events.
Heroism is the organizing theme for these worldwide celebrations inspired by The Bab and His followers, who led a country and people out of crisis into a glorious victory. These early heroes challenged the prevailing mindset, and “Night of Arts: Celebrating the Heroic” is inviting artists to help awaken the people of Fairbanks. Through your images in music, dance, story and the visual arts, you are asked to portray the mysteries and secrets of a higher human morality. From the earliest times of humankind, it was artists who presented the forces and events which reformed lives. The art and literature of antiquity pursued the high ideals that completely overturned the barbarism of ancient times. In the middle ages the Christian arts revived the indomitable spirit of man. Art, in its highest form, contributes to the moral development of society. Artists do not merely reflect and interpret life, they inform and shape it. In the Sacred Writings of the Baha’i Faith, art is viewed as identical with an act of worship, and it is written that art can better awaken noble sentiments than cold rationalizing.
The hoped-for outcome of “Nigh of Arts: Celebrating the Heroic” is that the art will awaken the heroic in each of us, and in turn we help transform humanity into a more mature, compassionate civilization, with a reverent attitude toward all life.
Each artistic creation will be displayed or performed at the event on October 26th, in the Raven Hall, at Raven Landing. Hors d’oeuvres will be served at the Artist Reception 5:30 to 6:30, with the performances immediately following.